MOSCOW, February 16. /TASS/. Russia’s state arms vendor Rosoboronexport will display the Orsis marksman rifle on the IDEX 2023 worldwide arms present in Abu Dhabi for the primary time overseas, the corporate’s press workplace introduced on Thursday.”As a part of its small arms show stand, Rosoboronexport will display a variety of Kalashnikov assault rifles, together with the AK-200 collection, the AK-12, AK-15, AK-19 and AK-308, the Chukavin sniper rifle, in addition to the Orsis-branded civilian and repair weapons: the Orsis-375ST sniper rifle and the Orsis F-17M and Orsis 12.7 mm high-precision carbines,” the press workplace stated in an announcement.For the Air Drive, Rosoboronexport will present at IDEX 2023 the Checkmate mild tactical plane, the Ka-52E and Mi-28NE assault helicopters and the Mi-171Sh navy transport helicopter. A broad vary of their trendy air-launched weapons, together with 305E and Vikhr-1 missiles, shall be on show. Guests to the Russian pavilion in Abu Dhabi can even be capable to see the Orion-E, Orlan-10E and Orlan-30 unmanned aerial platforms, it stated.Guests to the IDEX annual arms present that can run within the United Arab Emirates on February 20-24 will view the output of Russia’s Excessive Precision Methods, Shvabe, Russian Helicopters, Ruselectronics, Kalashnikov and Uralvagonzavod protection contractors.